01635 510500
Travel and Tourism has grown to be a popular option choice for students at Trinity.
This is a two year course and the qualification is equivalent to one A-level. It is
suitable for students who have a keen interest in Travel and/or Tourism. It is a
dynamic subject that is constantly evolving and changing with people’s
preferences on where they go on holiday, or making decisions on where to travel
based on external factors beyond our control. If you have ever thought about a
career in the travel, leisure or tourist industry, then this course provides you with the
foundation for those vocations. Even if you haven’t, there are a wide variety of
transferable skills that can be learnt that apply to a range of careers.
The BTEC Extended Certificate in Travel & Tourism is a level 3 qualification. There are
two external units a formal exam and set task on different countries. There are two
internal assessment which vary from written reports, location specific information as
well as presentations. The class teacher will grade students work, which is then
quality assured by the exam boards. Units will range from studying travel in UK to
international destinations so a knowledge of the world is a bonus.
There are four units of study:
• Unit 1 - World of Travel & Tourism (exam)
• Unit 2 - Global Destinations (set task)
• Unit 3 - Principles of Marketing (coursework)
• Unit 9 - Visitor Attractions (coursework)
In 2023, the travel and tourism
industry is forecast to reach a
value of $9.5trn, just 5% below the
pre-pandemic levels of 2019, when
the sector was at its highest ever. *
On successful completion of a
BTEC Level 3 in Travel and Tourism,
students may progress into a
growing employment market
or continue their study in Travel
& Tourism at a higher level
or University. Travel and tourism is a
global industry, providing a range
of opportunities both in the UK
and abroad.
* World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC)
2023 Economic Impact Research (EIR).