Have you ever heard the latest news about a new particle discovered at CERN and
wondered why it might be relevant to you? Have you seen the latest pictures from
space of black holes or distant galaxies and been amazed by their scale, beauty
and mystery? If you have a passion for understanding how things work and enjoy
scientific experiments and mathematics, then Physics is for you. Physics challenges
our imagination with concepts such as relativity, nuclear fission and fusion, and time
travel. These ideas can lead to great discoveries, like lasers and microchips, which
lead to technologies that change our lives.
In Year 12, students cover topics on particles and radiation, quantum phenomena,
waves and optics, materials, electricity and mechanics. Students learn about and
discuss the inner-most workings of the atom, the story behind quarks and antimatter,
and the idea of waves behaving as particles. The properties of waves and the
diffraction, refraction and interference of light are studied. The behaviours of electric
circuits and materials are investigated. In mechanics, students learn about the laws
of forces and motion. The course is assessed internally at the end of the first year by
two 90-minute mock papers, each worth 50% of the total marks. The papers test
knowledge and understanding of theory as well as practical skills through
multiple-choice questions, calculation problems, short written responses and some
extended writing.
During their second year, learners will build on earlier work and study thermal physics
and gases, nuclear physics, further mechanics, and gravitational, electric and
magnetic fields. Topics include circular motion, vibration resonance, capacitors,
electromagnetic induction and nuclear energy. In addition, a popular option
choice is Astrophysics, covering telescopes, the life-cycle of stars and the origin of
the universe! Final assessment is through three 2-hour papers, each worth a third of
the total marks and of similar format to the Y12 exams. In addition, students work
throughout the 2-year course towards a teacher-assessed endorsement of practical
skills. If you opt to take Physics, you must have at least a grade of 5,5 and have sat
the higher paper for GCSE. It is strongly suggested that you take A Level Maths.


Physics is crucial to understanding
the world around us, the world
inside us and the world beyond us.
A Physics student will possess
excellent analytical, quantitative
and problem-solving skills. The
course will prepare you for a wide
range of careers including anything
from engineering, medicine or
journalism to law, banking or
teaching. Studying Physics doesn’t
restrict you to a science-based
career; it simply opens the door to a
world of possibilities.

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