01635 510500
The BTEC Extended Certificate in Music Performance will enable you to develop a wide
range of new skills and refine existing musical talent. This vocational course will give you a
practical and broad experience of music and the music industry; through exploration of
the fundamentals of music, range of musical genre and key knowledge and skills
needed to succeed in the music industry, culminating in development of original solo
and ensemble performances. Music is the right option for you if you have a passion for
the subject and are considering working in the industry in the future.
The course is broad and varied, challenging you to develop your music theory and
appreciation skills alongside developing your practical musicianship through a range of
performance opportunities. You will explore music through both practical and
theoretical stimuli building understanding of the building blocks of music in ‘Practical
Music Theory and Harmony’ and delving into ‘Professional Practice in the Music Industry’
where you will deepen your understanding of the industry. You will develop your
technical ability and musicality through ‘Solo Performance’ and ‘Ensemble Music
Performance’ culminating in high quality, original performance opportunities.
Assessment for the BTEC Music Performance is a mix of practical and written tasks.
You will complete four units in total, two of which are internally assessed and two that
are externally assessed. For internally assessed units, you will evidence your progress
through assessed practical performance and composition tasks, as well as written tasks.
For externally assessed units you will be assessed through a combination of practical
work, portfolio work and examinations within a given timeframe as outlined by the
exam board.
Units studied:
Unit 1 ‘Practical Music Theory and Harmony’: You will explore and develop
understanding of fundamental musical theory and how it is applied in practical musical
activities. Through this you will develop and apply theoretical knowledge in a relevant,
useful and meaningful way for a range of different musical genre.
Unit 2 ‘Professional Practice in the Music Industry’: You will explore and gain
understanding of what is meant by the term ‘professional practice’ as well as what
it means to be a freelancer working in the music industry. You will explore the
professional skills necessary to succeed in the industry and learn the importance of
financial management.
Unit 3: ‘Ensemble Music Performance’: As part of a musical group, you will develop
ensemble skills through participation in rehearsals to choose three songs from a given list
that you will perform an original arrangement of. Alongside this, you will give a
presentation on how you achieved this.
Unit 6: ‘Solo Performance’: You will hone your focused instrument or vocal skills as a soloist
to demonstrate understanding of how to engage your audience alongside musical
practice and rehearsal culminating in a solo performance.
BTEC Music Performance opens a
broad range of opportunities in the
future for you to be able to work
within the music and arts industry;
this could be as a performer,
composer or working within an arts
organisation. It gives you a
foundation of knowledge continue
your studies at university or to
attend a specialist music
conservatoire. Furthermore, it will
allow to study Music Therapy or to
become a classroom or peripatetic
music teacher.