01635 510500
Multiple pathways are available through this course depending on your area of
interest. Students may choose to follow the “Software Development” or the
“Emerging Digital Technology” pathways. Both of these require a high degree of
motivation and a willingness to work consistently throughout both years of study.
Whichever pathway students take, much of the work is very practical in nature with
students getting a wealth of hands on experience.
All students must complete two mandatory examinations. Both of which must be
passed for a grade to be achieved overall. Paper 1 relates to the “Fundamentals of IT”.
It covers content including: hardware, types of computer system, connectivity methods,
communication, application software, protocols, servers, ethics and work skills. Paper 2 is
the “Global Information” examination. Students are going to be provided with a case
study for a Business and will be expected to be able to think deeply about its current use
of IT and how it could be improved.
The specific units that students choose to complete depends on the course pathway
they choose. Students have the ability to choose from a range of coursework units
depending on their own preference. Students can also substitute a coursework unit for
an additional, optional examination in “Cyber-Security”.
“Application Developer” Pathway – Coursework units include:
• Project Management
• Project Development
• Software Engineering for Business
• Web Design and Prototyping
“Emerging Digital Technology” Pathway – Coursework units include:
• Virtual and Augmented Reality
• The Internet of Everything
• Computer Systems – Hardware
• Computer Systems – Software
This qualification is right for you
if you want to continue your
education through applied
learning by developing your
knowledge and understanding
of the principles of IT and global
information systems. Having the
freedom to pick from a range of
optional units allows you to tailor
this course to fit your future
aspirations – whether they are
career based or related to
further education.