Firstly, the much loved interactive methods are upgraded in content from GCSE to
A Level with no loss of enjoyment resulting in excellent results on a consistent basis.
Secondly, the respect History receives as a discipline when making the important
step after 6th form to university or employment provides a solid foundation for
exploring the world around us.
Our subject has been designed to help students understand the significance of
historical events, the role of individuals in history and the nature of change over time.
It will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the past through political, social,
economic and cultural perspectives. The engaging topics will provide you with the
knowledge and skills you require to succeed at whatever you choose to pursue in life.
Unit 1: Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855-1964. A breadth study of significant
historical developments over a period of around 100 years and associated
interpretations. The topic will revolve around unique individuals in Russian
History from Tsar Nicholas II and his close advisor, Rasputin, to the creators of
the Soviet State, Lenin and Stalin. Events during the period ranging from The
Crimean War and the Emancipation of the Serfs, to the Bolshevik Revolution
and the beginnings of the Cold War will captivate the historical inquisitiveness
of all.
Unit 2: The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007. A study in depth of a period of
major historical change or development and associated primary evidence.
The study of our nation provides such colour characters and events; from
Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands War, to Tony Blair and the Troubles in
Northern Island. This unit will make you more aware of our current position
and what issues our country may face in the future.
Unit 3: A 4,500 word personal study of an historical investigation of your choice that
focuses on the topic of the British Empire in India 1806-1906. You will be given
the opportunity to delve into the annals of history using contemporary
sources to evaluate the importance of themes within the historical context of
the period. It is also a great opportunity to broaden your horizon of History,
exploring beyond the confines of ‘school-taught History’ and branching out
to wider academic opinions more widely used in higher education.
Assessment will take a variety of forms on the course, building on your skills from
GCSE. In class you will progress in your understanding of History through group
discussion, presentation and even role play. Throughout the course we build your
confidence with a thorough exploration of the skills needed in the exam by working
through essays and past papers, as well as provide various revision techniques that
can be applied across numerous fields of study.


The possibilities are endless.
History gives you access to a wide
range of higher education courses
as well as countless careers.
You could follow Jon Snow and
Louis Theroux into journalism or Sir
Howard Stringer who graduated
from a degree in History to become
the Head of the Sony Corporation.
Or maybe you could follow Sacha
Baron Cohen into entertainment.

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