01635 510500
The study of German at A Level is valuable in developing communication skills and
critical thinking, in gaining an insight into other societies and cultures that can only
be achieved through the language and in enriching the lives of students.
Studying German gives you the tools to share your views in a responsive and fun
environment and allows you to explore diverse and interesting subjects including
music, film and technology to gain a greater understanding of contemporary
culture abroad. With the assurance of skilled, friendly teachers you will be able to
communicate effectively and acquire an interest in another country.
Studying German at A Level will continue to build upon your existing knowledge
gained at GCSE, giving you a sound understanding of using your language in a
variety of contexts and situations - at home, abroad, with friends or in the workplace.
The emphasis of the A Level German course focuses on improving communication
in your foreign language through different means as well as being able to use
German in a variety of situations. It develops your key skills and most importantly
encourages you to fall in love with learning languages.
The aim of the A Level German course is to help you to develop an interest in
speaking a foreign language, to gain awareness of the need to speak foreign
languages, to appreciate the nature and diversity of different cultures and people
and to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding for practical use, further study
and employment.
The A Level course has four main elements:
• Aspects of current trends in the German-speaking society
• Aspects of current issues in the German-speaking society
• Artistic culture in the German-speaking world
• Aspects of political life in German-speaking society
The course is linear and students will sit three exams:
Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Translation
• Comprehension of the language is assessed in this paper
• Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
• 50% of A Level
Paper 2: Writing
• A written piece on a text and a film or two texts from the list set in the specification
• Grammar is also assessed in the writing paper
• Written exam: 2 hours
• 20% of A Level
Paper 3: Speaking
• Students undertake and discuss an individual research project in the
Speaking assessment
• One of the four sub-themes will also be discussed
• Oral exam: 21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time)
• 30% of A Level
Studying German at A Level
prepares you for the critical and
imaginative aspects of a degree or
career. Many universities seek the
skills you show with a qualification in
a Modern Language. An A Level in
German is regarded highly by
businesses and having a language
to A Level standard can increase
your salary from 8 to 20%, giving you
a head start on other potential
employees especially to any
company who does international
business. Therefore studying an
A Level in German helps you to
contend in today’s competitive
job market.
Jobs in fields such as: journalism,
the media, business, international
relations, education and travel
recognise the level of achievement
in learning a Language, and of
course, opportunities to work
abroad are abundant!