Geography is a dynamic, engaging subject which goes far beyond (though still has
a focus on!) where places are and what they are like. Geography links key ideas
found in humanities and science subjects under the common umbrella of
developing a deeper understanding of people and places, and the need to live in
balance with an increasingly fragile and volatile environment – themes which are
more important than ever in today’s world.
Paper 1 – Physical Systems
1 hour and 45 minute paper on:
Glaciated Landscapes - a topic exploring glacial processes, features and
landscapes. Our trip to North Wales puts this theory into practice as we explore the
northern coastline and areas around Snowden.
Earth’s Life Support Systems – The Water Cycle, The Carbon Cycle and
Climate Change.
This paper includes a mix of short and longer mark answers, as well as
geographical skills.
Paper 2 – Human Interactions
1 hour and 45 minute paper on:
Changing Spaces, Making Places – this topic gives students insight into how we
imagine places differently and how they can change overtime. Our trip to Liverpool
allows students to see how places such as the Albert Docks have changed in use
throughout time.
Global Connections – Trade and Power and Borders are our two optional human
topics. The aim behind these areas is to give students a much greater insight into the
human processes occurring on a daily basis. Whether this be the flow of trillions of
dollars around the world or how and why countries re-draw their borders.
This paper includes a mix of short and longer mark answers, as well as
geographical skills.
Paper 3 – Geographical Debates
2 hour and 30 minute paper on Disease Dilemmas and Natural Hazards.
This paper challenges the students to think synoptically. They have to apply
knowledge from the whole course in order to answer questions effectively.
An example of this is the impact natural hazards have on creating new and
existing places.
The exam largely focuses on longer mark answers, including two 33 mark essays.
Paper 4 – Non-Exam Assessed Investigation
Independent Investigation into any area of Geography on the specification
3,000–4,000 words; internally marked and externally moderated.


Apart from the numerous fieldwork
opportunities in A Level Geography
(four trips over the two years,
including a trip to Iceland!)
Geography is all about gaining a
wider understanding of the world
outside the classroom. The
practical, analytical approach
which embodies Geography
encompasses a wide range of skills
and ways of learning which are
highly sought after by both
employers and universities alike.
There are quite literally no limits to
where Geography can take you in
the future!

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