01635 510500
The market value of the health and wellness industry currently lies at approximately
125 billion pounds. It is an immensely exciting time to be studying and entering into
the field of health and nutrition. An understanding of food science and nutrition is
relevant to many industries and job roles. Care providers and nutritionists in hospitals
use this knowledge, as do sports coaches and fitness instructors. Hotels and
restaurants, food manufacturers and government agencies also use this
understanding to develop menus, food products and policies that support healthy
eating initiatives.
This course instils fundamental life skills into students and ensures they are well
equipped to lead a healthy adult life. This course will enable students to
demonstrate an understanding of the science of food safety, nutrition and
nutritional needs in a wide range of contexts. It will provide students with
opportunities to gain practical skills to produce quality food items to meet the needs
of individuals.
Level 3 Certificate
This is comprised of two assessments; one internal assessment worth 50% of the final
grade and one external assessment worth 50% of the final grade.
The external assessment is a 105 minute examination. There are six core learning
outcomes that are studied and assessed through one main unit:
Unit 1: Meeting Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups
Topics studies within this include food safety, nutrition, planning menus and planning
and making complex dishes. Grading for this Level 3 Certificate is either Level 3 Pass,
Level 3 Merit or Level 3 Distinction.
Level 3 Diploma
The Diploma is most beneficial for individuals considering careers within Catering or
Food and Nutrition industries. The Diploma covers the Unit 1 content from the
Certificate and then students must complete Unit 2 and then choose one of two
further units.
Mandatory units: Unit 1: Meeting Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups
External assessment: 105 minute examination. Internal assessment:
Unit 2: Ensuring Food is Safe to Eat
Learners will develop an understanding of hazards and risks in relation to the storage,
preparation and cooking of food in different environments and the control
measures needed to minimise these risks.
External assessment: 8 hour controlled assessment undertaken in school (not
completed in one session.)
Optional units: Unit 3: Experimenting to Solve Food Production Problems
Learners will use their understanding of the properties of food to plan and carry out
experiments. The results of the experiments would be used to propose options to
solve food production problems.
Unit 4: Current Issues in Food Science and Nutrition
Learners are to plan, carry out and present a research project on current issues
related to food science and nutrition.
These two optional units will be internally assessed and externally moderated. The
time allowance for these assessed units will be published at the time of assessment.
Successful completion of the
Certificate or Diploma may help
you progress to university where you
could study one of the following
subjects from this far from
exhaustive list: Human Nutrition,
Public Health Nutrition, Food
Science and Technology, Dietetics,
Psychology, Sociology, Sports
Science, Sports Performance. This
qualification could also lead to
employment or apprenticeships.
Communication and research skills
gained from this course will be
transferable to any form of
employment but a huge range of
practical skills and theoretical
knowledge will help students lead a
healthier and more independent
adult life.