01635 510500
Computer Science at A Level is a practical subject which gives students a chance
to learn a lot more about “Computational Thinking” techniques such as abstraction,
decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation. Students will significantly
develop their programming skills and they will have the freedom to create a
complete piece of usable software for a real end user of their choice. This software
will have a full graphical interface and will be built to fulfil a real end users
requirements. This is an intensely innovative and creative subject that combines
theoretical learning with invention and practical application. This is a 1 year course.
Assessment Structure:
* Unit 1 – Computer Systems. This is the majority of the content of the specification
and is assessed as a written paper recalling knowledge and understanding. In this
component, students will learn about the internal workings of the CPU, the
exchange of data, software development, data types and legal and ethical issues.
* Unit 2 – Algorithms and Programming. This relates to problem solving skills needed
by learners to apply the knowledge and understanding from Unit 1 using
Computational Thinking strategies.
* Unit 3 – Programming Project. A practical, portfolio based assessment with a task
that is chosen by the student and approved by the teacher. Students will be
expected to analyse, design, develop, evaluate and document a program that
they have created in a suitable programming language.
Compulsory Paper
Unit Title How is the unit examined The weighting of
each unit
Unit 1
Computer Systems
Unit 2
Algorithms and Programming
Unit 3
Programming Project
Written Examination:
2 hours and 30 minutes
Written Examination:
2 hours and 30 minutes
40% of total A Level
40% of total A Level
20% of total A Level
This specification has been
designed for students who wish
to go on to higher education
courses or employment where
problem solving, logical thinking,
technical understanding and
creativity would be beneficial.
Students can study Computer
Science and go on to a career
in Medicine, Law, Business, Politics
or any type of Science.
The “project” based approach
is a vital component of “post-
school” life, regardless of what
you do afterwards.