This course is fantastic for both students new to classics and those who want to build
on prior knowledge. The modern world has much to appreciate when we think
about the classical world. The Olympics, the theatre, great literary writing, poetry,
philosophy, democracy. The Ancient Greeks practically invented western culture
and philosophy, their ideas on culture and philosophy were taken on by the Romans
who through conquest spread those ideals throughout Europe. This course will allow
you to gain and greater understanding of this and be able to critically discuss it.
A-level Classical Civilisation is a well respected A-level that gives you the skills to
succeed in all future endeavors.
The World of the Hero – 40%
In the World of the Hero we will study two epics, Homers Odyssey, one of the
cornerstones of modern western literature, and Virgils Aeneid, a telling piece of
literature that gives us insight into the early days of one of histories great empires.
Greek Theatre – 30%
Drama is one of ancient Greece’s great gifts to civilisation. One that has had a
profound impact on European drama ever since. In Greek Theatre we will look at
three plays, two tragedies (Oedipus the King and Bacchae) and one comedy
(Frogs). As well as looking at some of ancient Greece’s great cultural pieces we will
look at the dramatic culture that allowed these to first be produced.
Love and Relationships – 30%
In Love and Relationships we will look at Greek and Roman ideas on love, the
relationships they accepted and had and what writers, poets and philosophers had
to say. We will read, Plato, Seneca, Ovid and Sappho all while discussing love,
desire, sex, sexuality and the institution of marriage.
The World of the Hero
Written exam: 2 hours 20 minutes.
100 marks in total, 40% of A-level.
Greek Theatre
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes.
75 marks in total, 30% of A-level.
Love and Relationships
Written exam: 2 hours 20 minutes.
75 marks in total, 30% of A-level.


If you are looking to apply to
university, Classical Civilisation can
be extremely useful. You not only
acquire specific Classical
knowledge, but also important
transferable skills such as analysing
sources and developing
independent, critical and evaluative
approaches. You learn to formulate
and support an argument and
develop a valuable understanding
of cultures very different to your own.
All of these skills are essential in many
careers. Education, politics,
journalism, curation, finance, civil
service. Classics can lead to
anything and there is something in
there for every single one of you.

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