Chemistry is an interesting subject requiring and developing a range of skills including
mathematical, practical and logical reasoning skills. Qualifications in chemistry are
highly valued and lead to a wide variety of careers. If you are undecided, more
options are kept open by studying chemistry than many other subjects.
In the first year of the course, you will study the units ‘Elements of Life’, ‘Developing
Fuels’, ‘Elements from the Sea’, ‘The Ozone Story’ and ‘What’s in a Medicine’.
In these topics, you will learn a range of skills, and learn about how the multi-billion
pound industry of oil works; where all the elements in the universe came from; and
produce your own samples of aspirin from willow bark. The topics are designed to
give you a firm set of foundations from the fundamental principles of the 3 main
branches of chemistry – organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. The course is
taught in a way that will enable you to appreciate the applications of the chemistry
you are learning, so that you can see where people use this work in real life.
In the second year of the course, you will build upon your foundations gained in
year 12, and you will study 5 further units – ‘The Chemical Industry’, ‘Polymers and
Life’, ‘Oceans’, ‘Developing Metals’ and ‘Colour by Design’. In these topics, you will
learn about the chemical composition of DNA, and how it works in the human
body; how chemists can restore paintings that are thousands of years old – and be
certain that they are using the same paints as the original artist; and how to design
your own chemicals from various starting points. In year 13, you will sit 3 exams. Units
1 and 2 are worth 41%, and 37% respectively, of the A level, and are 135 minute
papers. Unit 3 is a paper purely on practical skills, and is worth 22% of the A level.
In addition to this, we will produce a report on your practical skills that you may also
use for your CV. If you opt to take Chemistry, you must have at least a grade of 5,5
and have sat the higher paper for GCSE. It is strongly suggested that you take Core
Maths or A Level Maths.


Students who study chemistry at
A level have various career
opportunities open to them.
These may be within the field of
chemistry e.g. research chemistry,
pharmaceutical chemistry,
analytical chemistry, biochemistry,
environmental chemistry, medicinal
chemistry, material science and
chemical engineering, or they may
be wider ranging than this and
involve business, law, accountancy
and sports science. Chemistry is also
essential for those wishing to study
medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.

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