01635 510500
BTEC Business is a vocational course designed to provide specialist work-related
qualifications. This will give you the knowledge, understanding and skills you need to
prepare for employment. Assessment will occur through assignments and external
assessment. The content is similar to the A Level, with an increasing level of challenge
due to both internal and external assessment pieces.
The Business BTEC Extended Certificate is equivalent to one A Level.
Over the two-year course students will study the following:
4 Units of work - 2 externally assessed – Exam and Controlled Assessment
- 2 internally assessed - Assignments marked by Trinity teachers
Unit 1 Exploring Business - (Internally Assessed assignment)
Understanding different types of businesses this will encompass research
on two businesses.
Understanding how they are set up, their purpose and customers.
Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance – (Externally Assessed)*
Understanding the role of money, savings accounts, insurance for
an individual.
Understanding the role of finance for businesses - cash flow, revenue, costs
and profit.
Unit 4 Recruitment and Selection – (Internally Assessed Assignment – marked by
Trinity teacher)
Understand the process businesses must follow when employing people –
includes job advert writing, CV skills, interview skills.
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign – (Controlled Assessment – Externally
marked by BTEC)
Report to be written under controlled conditions on an unknown business
marketing campaign.
*Opportunity to retake exam in Year 13
Business BTEC is an applied
qualification. It aims to teach the
relevant skills needed for higher
education, and ultimately to
employment in the business sector.
Due to the nature of the world of
business, there are a number of
paths this course guides you
towards such as within finance,
marketing and human resources.
Whatever your chosen career path
after 6th form, the skills learnt in BTEC
Business are invaluable.