With around 30 courses on offer each year we have a variety of pathways for students to choose from, depending on what would suit each individual best. Each pathway has a slightly different entry requirement, so it is important to check entry criteria carefully in the prospectus at the bottom of this page, as students may not be able to take their preferred pathway, if they do not have the required grades.

Entrance criteria:

  • To study A Level subjects at Trinity students need to achieve a grade 5 in the relevant subject or a facilitating subject. 
  • For BTEC Level 3 courses, students need to either achieve a grade 4 in the relevant subject or a facilitating subject.

Deciding what to study in 6th Form needs careful consideration.  We encourage students to ask themselves:

  • What subjects do I enjoy?

  • What subjects am I good at?

  • What type of learning do I enjoy? Exams or coursework? Practical or theory?

  • Do I have any specific careers in mind? If so, what are the entry requirements?

  • Are there any new subjects, which look interesting?


 Explore the Subjects on Offer in the Prospectus and Videos below

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