

Classics gives our student the opportunity to learn about some of the oldest and most engaging literature and art ever produced in the western world. The impact of classical era Greece and Roman culture is felt throughout our society whether that is in popular culture, modern literature or in the democratic systems that govern us. The Classical world is the glue that’s sticks all the modern western world together.  Classical civilisation is important if you want a true understanding of the now.

In our department we have a deep interest in classical civilisation. We put that enthusiasm into what we plan and the content being itself incredibly engaging allows our students to receive an exciting and deep curriculum that will both inspire and inform our students.

Classics at Trinity is continuing to develop and grow. We offer some Latin in year 7, students get the opportunity to take part in a university accredited certificate in Classics in year 8, GCSE Classical Civilisation and A-Level Classical Civilisation. Classics at Trinity is a ever growing offer at Trinity which gives students the opportunity to be inspired but some of western Histories major events.


A number of students will be given the opportunity to study Latin in Year 7 and Year 8. Students will follow the Cambridge Latin Course. At the end of year 8 students will have the opportunity to take a formal qualification in Latin.

In year 8 students will be given the opportunity to take part in the Classics for All Olympus Challenge this is a university accredited certificate where students will look at three topics from the ancient world and complete a short task on each.


At KS4 students can opt Classical Civilisation GCSE. On this course we study a range of topics from myths and Greek architecture to Homers Odyssey. This is a wide ranging and challenging course that gives students a depth of knowledge and the a multitude of analytical and evaluative skills. Students sit two exams at the end of year 11. Both exams are 1 hour 30 minutes and students are assessed through very short answer knowledge questions and long essay questions. Any and all students can be successful in GCSE Classical Civilisation.


GCSE Topics



  • The gods
  • Religion in Rome and Greece
  • Festivals
  • Death and Burial
  • The Underworld
  • Heracles(Hercules)
  • Foundation Stories
  • Symbols of Power
  • Key sites
  • Life in the Mycenaean World
  • Decorative Arts
  • Tombs, Graves and Burial
  • Homers Odyssey (books 9, 10, 19, 21, 22)



At KS5 students can opt to study A-Level Classical Civilisation. In A-Level Classical Civilisation we study the Aeneid and the Odyssey, both are seminal pieces of western literature. We then look at Greek Theatre were three plays are studied in full. Students look at The Bacchae, Oedipus The King, and Frogs. Finally students study Love and Relationships. This is a historical look at Greek and Roman ideas about love with poetry to compare from Sappho and Ovid. Classical Civilisation at A-Level can lead to any and all next steps. It gives students the ability to critical think, analyse and discuss and is a fantastic option.


Students have opportunities to attend a range of museums, from the British Museum to the Ashmolean. Students have opportunities to see a range of plays depending on availability and students will get the opportunity to attend residential trips to Greece or Rome at some point in the future, both at GCSE and A-Level.

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