ACE Resource

The ACE Resource is a well-established Local Authority provision for 30 students with SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties). Admission is through the SEN Assessment Team and the SEN Panel.

Students receive intensive, structured, multisensory teaching to address their literacy difficulties. As a result, many of them learn to read and meet the exit criteria for ACE. This means that they are able to function relatively independently in the mainstream school for Key Stage 4 (years 9, 10 and 11).

There are two specialist teachers in ACE, Mrs McCormack has a Level 5 qualification for teaching SpLD and Mrs Brennan is holds a  Level 7 qualification for teaching SpLD.

ACE Teaching Assistants also have qualifications in SpLD. Our ACE Teaching Assistants work within the ACE Resource as well as providing support in mainstream lessons to ensure that there is a continuity of care and provision between the resource and mainstream classes.

The ACE Resource prides itself on working closely with parents to ensure the very best outcomes for their children and parents are encouraged to play an active role in supporting the work of the provision.

Group teaching enables our students to understand that they are not unique in their ​difficulties and helps them socially and emotionally to adjust to and thrive in secondary life. This model also allows each student in Key Stage 3 to receive between 6 and 10 hours of structured, multisensory teaching each week, as well as additional support in subjects such as Maths, Science and ​​Humanities. The students are timetabled to be taught in the resource so are never made to feel different by being withdrawn from lessons.

Our results over the years show that the ACE model of teaching and support for dyslexic children is highly effective in addressing their difficulties. In many ways, the model of teaching and support we offer is unique; we are one of a very few such Local Authority provisions in the country.

If you would like to discuss the unit with us please contact:

SEND: Mrs S Kemp

Mrs C Brennan
Head of ACE Resource

Get in Touch