Y6 Transition

We are delighted that you will be joining us in September 2024. We know that the transition between primary school and secondary school is a big one, and we want to make sure that it is as smooth as possible. There are some exciting opportunities for you to visit Trinity before you start in September, these dates are below for your information.  

  • Transition Days - 30th June and 2nd July. This will be an opportunity for you to meet your Tutor, Head of Year and Head of House. All students will be joining us on both days, and therefore this is the chance to meet your fellow Year 7s and to forge new friendships! During these days you will get a taster of all the different subjects you will be studying in September. Please come in your primary school uniform, and do bring in a packed lunch on both days. We will be holding a Transition Information Evening for parents on the 2nd July.
  • Summer School - Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th August, 9am - 1pm. We are once again running our Summer School during the holidays to provide you with an extra opportunity to visit Trinity where you can familiarise yourself with the school and continue to build relationships with students. We are putting on a range of activities that cover a range of subjects that you will study from September.

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