Sunday, 17 November 2024

Trinity recognised for the National Wellbeing Gold Award

We are delighted that our school community has achieved a National Wellbeing Gold Award in acknowledgment of our participation in the Raising Attainment with Wellbeing Programme: Putting wellbeing at the heart of learning, teaching and leadership. This recognition further supports our ethos of personal excellence and collective responsibility.

Our wellbeing team started with the Needs Analysis process which highlighted real strengths in our existing wellbeing provision, as well as identifying areas for further growth and development. This guided our student wellbeing team to continue to make a real and valued difference to the wider life of the school and our local community. This has included training student wellbeing reps and anti-bullying ambassadors to provide peer support, senior student leaders have trained and supported younger students and we have worked on numerous wellbeing projects with local universities. Our mental health policy enhances our mission that mental health is everyone’s business.

Mrs Moore, Trinity’s Wellbeing Lead said ‘The biggest impact has been a positive change in the attitude towards mental health and wellbeing from the whole school community. These topics are being spoken about more freely in social time, during PSHE lessons and in staff interactions, this demonstrates that what we are doing is working.  We recognise that we must continue with this vision. This development has been really special to witness,  wellbeing isn’t just about learning in the classroom, it is about making it part of everyday life and recognising the importance of this’.

The Teaching Times has recognised our true commitment to the child in the holistic sense. They have recognised that our ability to sustain this is not in doubt as our practice is embedded in the culture of the school.
Teegan Hutt, a Wellbeing Ambassador in Year 9 said, ‘I enjoy being a Wellbeing Ambassador because I can contribute by making sure other students are okay and they know we are there to talk and support if they need help’.

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