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Primary School Masterchef Competition 2025
The finals for this year’s inter Primary School Masterchef Competition took place this week on the 10th and 11th of March. This is our fifteenth year and as Trinity is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year our topic was celebration. Teams of Year 6 students from various local Primary schools planned, prepared and presented celebratory themed dishes.
On Monday we had Speenhamland, Kintbury and Shaw Cum Donnington Primary Schools competing with meals celebrating Valentines, 150th Anniversary of the Shaw and Easter. Our winning team from Monday’s final were Speenhamland with their fantastic Valentines meal.
Our competitors on Tuesday were Fir Tree, Hermitage, Stockcross and Welford and
Wickham Primary Schools. Another very strong day with meals celebrating Easter, Valentines and the 4th July. Our winning team from Tuesday’s final were Welford and Wickham with their wonderful 4th of July meal.
Judging was very close on both days and we would like to thank all competitors and accompanying adults for their hard work and enthusiasm. Everyone who took part should be extremely proud of their achievements. The winning teams will now go on to demonstrate their talents in the Food Tent at the Newbury Show in September – something very much to look forward to. Thank you to all staff who supported from all the schools and Jan Murray, Education Officer and Pam Hillier-Brook from The Newbury and District Agricultural Society for judging the competition.