Tuesday, 16 July 2024

DanceFest 2024

Trinity enjoyed two fantastic evenings of dance at our annual Dance Festival. The theme this year was ‘Genres’ with inspiration coming from Country music and R&B to Classical. Each performance showcased the talent and hard work of our Dance students.

Trinity’s Dance Festival celebrates Dance from all year groups and features both classwork and extra-curricular work. As a school we are very privileged to have so many Gifted and Talented Dance Companies. Pieces on the evening were choreographed by professional dancers Kitty Denson and Zahra Smith.

Dr Charlotte Wilson, Executive Headteacher said “This event is filled with energy and enthusiasm. It makes me incredibly proud to see our students perform. Each year the resilience, teamwork, understanding and hard work is evident”.

At the end of the evening the audience also celebrated Morgan Heimsoth, a Year 13 student who has excelled in Dance whilst at Trinity School. He is currently a member of the National Youth Dance Company and is going on to professional dance training at The London School of Contemporary Dance where he will study for a BA in Dance.

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