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At Trinity School we aim to make a substantial difference to the lives of young people through the education and experiences that we provide. This is our aim for all students, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
This report provides detailed information about how we make sure we meet the needs of our students with SEND at Trinity School. It is updated annually in order to reflect changes in provision and any new initiatives.
The Local Offer provides information about support services available for children and young people (and their families) who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. It includes details of education, health and care services in the local area. All such providers are required to give this information, so the Local Offer acts a central directory of services across West Berkshire. This helps families to see the range of support on offer, and thus access services which are relevant for them.
SENDCo - Mrs S. Kemp
Email - skemp@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
Teacher in Charge of ACE - Mrs C. Brennan
Email - CBrennan@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
Teacher in Charge of Autism Resource - Mrs R. Raybould
Email - rraybould@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
Parenting Special Children is a charity founded in 2006 by a mother who sought support from other families whilst receiving a diagnosis for her own daughter.
The site offers advice and signposts its users to workshops, courses and other useful links. Parenting Special Children supports parents of those who may struggle with a range of difficulties including: sleep, trauma, ADHD, Autism and also provides parenting programs to support with personal learning.
The site also has a helpline which is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:30 – 2:30 during term time and has a helpline email too: helpline@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk
Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service
As a service, BSCS aims to respond to specific needs of children and support all involved in the child’s life in a range of different ways. BSCS work closely with Social Services and Local Health Authorities. BSCS deliver assessments, teaching and advice to young people as well as running joint Community Audiology Clinics and Community Ophthalmology Clinics.
BSCS regularly have events that supports the family including courses, coffee mornings, cooking events, and many more. As well as this, they have strong links and opportunities in sporting clubs including swimming, Goalball, and boating.
BSCS are highly receptive to comments about their service and are happy to answer any queries that you may have.
T: 01628 796786
E: sensory.consortium@achievingforchildren.org.uk
Swings & Smiles offer support for disabled children and their families in a unique and accessible environment. Services include respite, family play sessions, youth clubs, sibling support and outreach.
The provision provides activities for young people between 0 and 18 with a wide range of disabilities and special needs. Swings & Smiles are willing to tailor support to the individual need of the child and the family inclusive.
Berkshire Youth/Waterside are running a SEND Youth Café. This will take place every Monday from 4:30 – 6pm at Waterside
Young Minds - A thorough explanation of ADHD and how you can support your child both in and out of school.
NHS - The NHS breakdown of ADHD and how to recognize it in your child.
ADHD UK - A range of videos exploring ADHD in a multitude of settings and information regarding diagnosis and treatments
Parents Toolkit:ADHD - A resource designed to support parents who have children with ADHD, this link provides videos and a breakdown of things that could help your child at home.
NHS - NHS guide to Autism
NHS Schooling - Advice surrounding schooling when your child is Autistic – there is information about gaining support, choosing the right school and links signposting support in regards to Anxiety surrounding school.
National Autistic Society - A comprehensive guide to Autism across all ages and further support for topics such as: Autism in Girls and Women, Autism and BAME people, Autism and Gender Identity, and both the causes and history of Autism.
Talk about Autism - An online community for parents and carers of autistic children and young people. There is also tailored information to support parenting journeys, including member polls, practical resources and the latest news that affects you and your child.
Ambitious about Autism - A range of information and resources for all people with Autism, ranging from Early Years to Adult support.
NHS - An overview to identifying dyslexia, management, diagnosis signposting support available
Audible - Audible provides a 7 day free trial for an extensive library of audio books. Help your child overcome their dislike of reading and encourage them to read alongside the recording
Nessy - Expert articles and videos surrounding Dyslexia in young people. Nessy also provide a range of other resources in regards to spelling, reading and maths.
British Dyslexia Association - A YouTube channel dedicated to how Dyslexia has brought them new opportunities and ways of thinking, there are interviews with celebrities about living with Dyslexia
Made by Dyslexia - A YouTube channel dedicated to how Dyslexia has brought them new opportunities and ways of thinking, there are interviews with celebrities about living with Dyslexia.
NHS - An overview of what Dyspraxia is and how it presents in teens and adults
NHS - An overview of what Dyspraxia is and how it presents in children
Dyspraxia Foundation - A large range of information sheets containing ideas, strategies and guidance to provide support for people with dyspraxia.
Consultant Pediatrician - A list of signs to look for if you are concerned about coordination issues or perhaps difficulties with planning and organization.
Understood.org - A website and PDF that explains what Dyscalculia is and provides helpful strategies. Download PDF Here
10 Ticks - Systems, worksheets and resources to help mathematical development.
Brain Balance Centres - Blog post from Brain Balance Achievement Centers specifically focusing on how to support children with dyscalculia.
Understood.Org - A PDF and website that explains what Language Disorders are and how to help those around you who may struggle. PDF Here
Oxford Health (NHS) - An overview of DLD and a simple breakdown of what it means
RADLD - Raising awareness of DLD and a bank of resources is available to support
DLD and Me - Resources for parents, and educators when having students who suffer from DLD