
Welcome to the Newbury Academy Trust Governance pages.

The Newbury Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. It is responsible for Trinity School, Fir Tree Primary School and Speenhamland Primary School. The Trust is governed by Members, Trustees and Local Governors, as illustrated.

If you would like to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body (Dr Susana Carvalho), please contact our Clerk via email or in writing to the school office at Love Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2DU.


Minutes from the meetings are available, once approved. If you require a copy of a specific set of minutes, please email the Clerk 



Mrs Sheila Loy and Mr Paul Dick are the founding Members of Newbury Academy Trust and have subsequently appointed Mr Andy Tubbs and Miss Sue Brown.

The Members are the only body that can change the Articles of Association (subject to DfE approval).  Members’ key responsibilities include appointing the Trustees and holding them to account for the successful governance of the Trust.

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees may exercise all the powers of the Academy Trust.  They are Directors of Company Law and Charity Trustees and as such are subject to the duties and responsibilities of both roles.  They are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The Board of Trustees is the accountable body for the performance of all schools within the NAT and for ensuring that the Trust is solvent, well run and delivers the Trust’s charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public.  The Board currently meet at least 6 times each academic year.


Dr Alison Mitchell – Chair of Trustees (Chair of Primary LGB and Primary Data)

Mr Tim Morrison – Vice Chair of Trustees (Careers, Lead on Audit and Risk)

Mr Michael Burroughs – Chair of F&R Committee and Pay Committee

Mr William Johnson (Safeguarding)

I am a Detective Sergeant in Complex Investigations in the Thames Valley. Having started my career as an Engineer, a change of direction seventeen years ago to Policing meant a return to training school and exams. My last course was a vocational foundation degree in complex investigations. My role within the public sector ensuring deadlines and performance standards are met can also involve child protection matters. In addition, I am a member of the rewards and recognition panel that acknowledges the efforts of not only Police but members of the public.

As well as being a Father of a child at secondary school, my profession and prior experience as a Foster Carer has given me an in-depth understanding of the very real issues children of today face. I believe that education is vital in empowering children, and young adults, to believe in themselves and inspiring them to strive and achieve their very best. Education provides essential opportunities for all children to thrive, unlock their potential, discover their dreams and furthermore attain them. Every child really does matter and to develop a love of lifelong learning is invaluable!

Mr Dominic Paul (H&S)

Mr Marytn Ruks (GDPR, Cybersecurity)

Mr Joshua Knight (SEND)

Dr Charlotte Wilson (CEO)

I am proud to be the Executive Headteacher and CEO of the Newbury Academy Trust.  I love working across our schools which are at the heart of our community serving children and their families.  I am a qualified Geography Teacher and have taught in a range of comprehensive schools since qualifying in 1996.  I am passionate about lifelong learning and recently achieved my Doctorate in Education from Reading University.  I am also a Lead Ofsted Inspector across the South East region.

Finance & Resources Committee

Finance and Resources (F&R) including Audit and Risk (A&R) Committee

The Board of Trustees have established committees in accordance with the Articles of Association to assist with its responsibilities.  The Finance and Resources Committee meet 6 times each academic year and focus on financial policy and planning, financial monitoring, risk, audit, premises and staffing.


Mr Mike Burroughs – Chair

Mr Tim Morrison – Vice Chair and A&R Lead

Mr Mike McEnaney

Mr Martyn Ruks

Mrs Daisy Dupree-Loxton

I am so proud to be a member of the Trinity School Local Governing Body and take this active part in my local community. I have built my career in HR working for world leading brands including The Walt Disney Company, B&Q and The John Lewis Partnership, focusing on improving working lives via policy and propositional changes.

My work and interest focus on smashing the stigma around mental health and encouraging open and non-judgmental conversations where people feel they can be their authentic selves and thrive. I am very active in campaigns around the improvement of early year’s education and funding and for working rights for working parents. 

I have a young daughter and have lived in Newbury with my husband since 2021.

Dr Charlotte Wilson

I am proud to be the Executive Headteacher and CEO of the Newbury Academy Trust.  I love working across our schools which are at the heart of our community serving children and their families.  I am a qualified Geography Teacher and have taught in a range of comprehensive schools since qualifying in 1996.  I am passionate about lifelong learning and recently achieved my Doctorate in Education from Reading University.  I am also a Lead Ofsted Inspector across the South East region.

Trinity LGB

Finance and Resources (F&R) including Audit and Risk (A&R) Committee

The Board of Trustees have established committees in accordance with the Articles of Association to assist with its responsibilities.  The Finance and Resources Committee meet 6 times each academic year and focus on financial policy and planning, financial monitoring, risk, audit, premises and staffing.


Mr Mike Burroughs – Chair

Mr Tim Morrison – Vice Chair and A&R Lead

Mr Mike McEnaney

Mr Martyn Ruks

Mrs Daisy Dupree-Loxton

I am so proud to be a member of the Trinity School Local Governing Body and take this active part in my local community. I have built my career in HR working for world leading brands including The Walt Disney Company, B&Q and The John Lewis Partnership, focusing on improving working lives via policy and propositional changes.

My work and interest focus on smashing the stigma around mental health and encouraging open and non-judgmental conversations where people feel they can be their authentic selves and thrive. I am very active in campaigns around the improvement of early year’s education and funding and for working rights for working parents. 

I have a young daughter and have lived in Newbury with my husband since 2021.

Dr Charlotte Wilson

I am proud to be the Executive Headteacher and CEO of the Newbury Academy Trust.  I love working across our schools which are at the heart of our community serving children and their families.  I am a qualified Geography Teacher and have taught in a range of comprehensive schools since qualifying in 1996.  I am passionate about lifelong learning and recently achieved my Doctorate in Education from Reading University.  I am also a Lead Ofsted Inspector across the South East region.



Financial Reports

Please find below a link to the schools financial benchmarking website where the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statement of income, expenditure and balances are published.


Trust Governance

Pay Committee

Pay Committee

The Board of Trustees have established committees in accordance with the Articles of Association to assist with its responsibilities.  The Pay Committee meet at least twice each academic year.


Mr Michael Burroughs – Chair

Dr Susana Carvalho – Vice Chair

I am a proud mum of three high achievers’ daughters that work hard and have found the proper support and challenge first at Speenhamland School and then at Trinity School. One has now graduated in Chemistry, the middle one is an undergrad in English Literature, and the youngest is thriving in Trinity.

I’ve practised Medicine with a speciality in Oncology for 18 + years, gaining a variety of skills, including in non-medical areas, developing my communication abilities, fairness, willingness to always strive for the better good of others and learning to value and respect each person. I have many passions, and Education is undoubtedly one of the greatest. I firmly believe that a School is more than an institution; it’s an essential part of a student’s life that will always make a considerable difference towards their choices and success in their future. If I can help ensure that we have the best teaching and experience for our students and the well-being of the staff who work with them daily, I believe I’ll be making a valuable contribution to our society.

I am a proud Governor for the Newbury Academy Trust, and I believe in their collective Ethos and strengths.  

Dr Alison Mitchell

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