01635 510500
Careers Lead: Mrs D Evans
01635 510500
Link Governor: Mr T Morrison
Trinity School is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information and guidance to meet the needs for all students in Years 7-13. It is differentiated to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of learning, planning and development.
All staff at Trinity School play an active role in delivering the careers programme and preparing students for the future. The careers education programme is delivered through a variety of activities including PSHE days, tutor sessions, guest speakers, assemblies, schemes of work and trips. All students are entitled to impartial and confidential careers advice and guidance.
The aim of the careers programme is to prepare students for their future destination and the world of work.
Our aim is to help the students achieve the following;
All students are able to meet with the Careers Coordinator or our external careers' advisor, for individual appointments, with no restrictions on how many appointments students can have throughout their time at school. We also welcome parents to contact us for any advice and guidance required. Drop in careers appointments are also available on the Year 8 Option Evening and the 6th Form Open Evening.
Our careers plan is constantly developing to adapt to Government recommendations, and we use the Gatsby Benchmarks to regularly evaluate our provision to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students.
See attachment below for full details of careers activities for individual year groups and details of how our activities map against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
The careers market is constantly changing, and it is difficult to predict the future employment landscape. However, it is important to be aware of local labour market intelligence to find out which roles and skills are most in demand locally now and which will be in the future. This can help us understand the skills, qualifications and wider attributes that are needed for the future in the areas where we live.
Labour market information (LMI) is published by both the National Careers Service and the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership. It can help students and their parents understand the local job market.
To view current local labour market information please see the attachments below.
In order for us to provide a comprehensive and varied careers education programme at Trinity School, we need the support of both local and national businesses. As well as this being personally rewarding, it is also an opportunity for businesses to;
Opportunities to help
There are a number of ways that employers can help to support the Careers Education Programme at Trinity School. These include:
Careers Network
We are always grateful for the support that individuals and organisations give to the Careers programme at Trinity School. If you would like to join our Careers Network and explore the ways that you can help us inspire and educate students, then please contact the school’s Careers Lead, Mrs D Evans : devans@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
It is important for students to start thinking about their potential career path early in their school journey as the decisions they make can impact on their future. Parents as well as students can access Unifrog which is the universal careers platform we now use. Additionally, we have a section on 'Careers News' within our weekly bulletin (the latest version can be viewed, on our newsletters page https://www.trinitynewbury.org/newsletters) as well as resources on Firefly and links below to help you explore all the opportunities available to students. There is a lot of support available, and we actively encourage students to make the most of the careers programme here at Trinity School. Please visit the Useful Career Resources and Website section.
Apprenticeships allow students to gain qualifications alongside working and are available in a wide variety of sectors and at different levels. Further information is available in 'A Guide to Apprenticeships' which is also available in Arabic, Latvian, Pashto, Romanian and Urdu on the apprenticeships.gov.uk website. Additional publications on apprenticeships can be downloaded below.
Careers Network
We are grateful for the support that individuals, as well as local and national organisations give to the Careers programme at Trinity School. If you would like to support our careers programme and explore the ways that you or your employer can help us inspire and educate students, then please contact the school’s Careers Lead, Mrs D Evans: devans@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next steps after school, we are now using Unifrog; an award-winning, online destinations platform.
Unifrog is designed to support students in making informed decisions about their futures as it has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own account where they can explore all the careers and next step information available to them, including:
Section of the platform |
Examples of what students can do |
Suitable age range |
Quizzes |
Finding their interests, personality type, preferred work environment, and skillset. |
Years 7-13 |
Exploring pathways |
Explore careers, career sectors, subjects, free webinars, explore MOOCs and courses, and find wider reading materials. |
Years 7-13 |
Recording what you’ve done |
Record their in-class and extracurricular activities, record examples of their skills, and see the record of careers related events the school has added to their accounts. Work shadow placement recording and administration. |
Years 7-13 |
Searching for opportunities |
Find scholarships, activities, and bursaries to support their HE journey. Find and compare degrees in the UK and overseas, live apprenticeships, and FE courses. |
Years 10-13 |
Application materials / Making applications |
Write their CV, cover letter, Personal Statement, and more. Track their applications and record their Post 16 / 18 intentions. |
Years 11-13 |
Students can access the platform Unifrog from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next steps.
Parents can also have their own Unifrog account to learn more about the opportunities, and pathways open to young people, so you can support them in making an informed decision about their next steps.
Unifrog has been running in the UK and internationally for over 10 years and currently works with over 3000 schools, including 20 schools across West Berkshire. They work with over 1 million students so take data and security very seriously, but parents refer to the following sections of their website if they require further information:
It is important to start thinking about your future as soon as you can to help explore all the options and opportunities available to you. There is lots of support available, so it is really important to make the most of the careers programme and provision here at Trinity.
As a starting point, you might want to start to consider questions such as;
At Trinity School you will be given careers support throughout your school journey from Year 7 to Year 13. This will include a range of activities to ensure that you gain impartial and independent advice. Examples of these activities are below;
Access to Unifrog which is a universal destinations platform, designed to support students with employability skills and decision making in relation to careers whilst in school.
Work Experience and Work Shadowing
All students in Year 10 will undertake a work shadow day which involves accompanying a relative or close family friend to their place of work. The aim of this is to allow you to experience the world of work and to investigate the links between school and your future career plans. This day will be really useful in helping you to develop both practical and social skills.
All Year 12 students will complete a week’s work experience during the summer term. This ideally should be linked to either career goals or potential university subjects to help ensure that it is valuable and relevant.
Choosing Option Subjects
GCSE options are chosen in the spring term of Year 8. The school will provide you with plenty of support to help you make your choices, but it is important that you start to research the subjects and careers that you are interested in pursuing. All students will have a 1-2-1 meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to finalise their option choices and may also arrange a careers interview with our careers advisor.
A-Level and BTEC Courses must be applied for by the published date in January of Year 11. The application form is available on the website and must be completed and submitted by the deadline. Again there will be plenty of help and support available and all students will be able to have a 1-2-1 interview with the careers advisor prior to making these choices.
An apprenticeship is a job that allows you to earn money whilst gaining a nationally recognised qualification. They are available to students after they have completed Year 11. There are a variety of different levels of apprenticeships that you can apply for depending on your interests, skills and qualifications.
As part of the careers programme at Trinity School, you will be given advice on apprenticeships and how to explore the opportunities available.
Additional Information
If you would like to find put more about careers please see the Useful Career Resources and Website section and the Careers section of Firefly. You are able to request a careers appointment with Mrs Evans or our external independent careers advisor at any point in your decision-making. You can contact Mrs Evans on devans@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org
Resources for teachers are primarily shared via our Firefly VLE.
The sections below contain links to some websites that may be useful when researching different careers and options for the future. A comprehensive range of age appropriate resources are shared in the 'Careers' and '6th Form Life' sections of our Firefly VLE.
Students and their parents can access a comprehensive range of resources about apprenticeships on the Careers pages on Firefly, links to key sources of information include:
Link | Information Source |
Amazing Apprenticeships with major employers, vacancies and advice. | |
Apprenticeships - Guides for Parents and Carers from the government website. | |
Search and apply for apprenticeship vacancies on the government portal. |
Apprenticeships Guide |
Information on what to study, how to apply, who offers apprenticeships and more |
Not Going to Uni | Information on alternative career opportunities, including apprenticeships & work based learning (post-18) |
Employment 4 Students | Apprenticeship advice and links to organisations |
Apprenticeships in the Arts | Art, Photography, Design |
Apprenticeships in Humanities | Geography, History and RS |
Apprenticeships in STEM (Science,Maths,Engineering and Technology) | Science, Maths, Engineering and Technology |
Link | Information Source |
Guide to Career Options 2024 for school and college students. This guide includes information for parents and also features the Top 100 Employers & Top 50 Training Providers 2022. | |
Offers help and advice for school leavers on jobs and the career paths available to them, including information on the different levels of apprenticeship—Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree. | |
Information on next steps and how different subjects can support career pathways. |
Careersbox |
Short videos of different careers. |
National Careers Service | Provides careers information, advice and guidance to help people to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in their career. |
Success at School | Success at School allows young people to explore careers and top employers, as well as searching for jobs, courses and advice. |
Target Careers | Information for parents and teachers. |
UCAS Careers List | Exploring pathways after GCSE, browse the UCAS Guide to Careers. |
Unifrog | Universal destinations platform used in school which brings together careers information into one comprehensive, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices |
Make the Future Yours Magazine | Online magazine with careers information and articles. |
From 2024 students have access to Unifrog which is an interactive platform which helps in making better decisions about subjects, courses, careers and apprenticeships. Students with a Morrisby account will have access to their profile report and resources during their time at Trinity.Quizzes, pyschometric assessments and careers activities completed on Unifrog can be updated as they progress through the school.
Additional sources that can be used to help in identifying careers include:
Link | Information Source |
To help students understand and then explore possible careers related to their interests | |
Another quiz from All About Careers to produce careers ideas | |
A fun personality test linked to careers ideal for younger students |
Personality Quiz - |
More detailed personality quiz to help identify interests |
Students will have the opportunity to create their CV at an appropriate point in the PSHE programme using a template on Unifrog. Information and advice is available to students on Unifrog and the careers pages of Firefly as well as on the websites below.
Link |
Students Jobs Website CV example |
CV Maker |
Target Careers Advice on Filling out Application Forms |
Link | Information Source |
Information about financial help towards studies post-16 from Direct.gov.uk | |
Information about student finance towards your degree | |
Help with finding funding to cover the costs of going to college or university |
Link | Information Source |
School careers portal, all students will be issued with log in details | |
Explore what university courses are available and their entry requirements | |
Information about some of the top UK universities. Download the “Informed Choices” booklet about 16+ study options and what A Level subjects to study (and not study!) if considering applying to a Russell Group University |
Unistats |
Find out how other students rate universities & courses |
Prospects | Postgraduate website – find out what graduates do with their degree |
UKcoursefinder | Questionnaire to produce a list of university course ideas |
University of Oxford | Information about applying to The University of Oxford |
University of Cambridge | Information about applying to The University of Cambridge |
Highfliers.co.uk/ | Statistics on Universities and the Graduate Job Market |
Complete University Guide | Complete University Guide |
University Guide | Guardian University Guide |
Studyoverseas.com | Information about studying abroad for an international education |
Study in Europe | Information about studying in Europe |
Opendays.co | Calendar of university open days |
Many professions and industries have national organisations which represent them. These may be useful sources of industry or occupation specific information for some careers. The government maintains an approved list of these professional organisations and learned societies which you can access here